About me
My interest in photography dates back to my childhood and a much used Kodak Brownie.
However it was not until my teaching career led me to a post at a residential environmental study centre that I began to take photography seriously.
Much of my free time at the centre was spent gathering photos of the ‘resident’ badgers that scrabbled around my living quarters at night!

All forms of natural history formed my subject matter, whether it be badgers, foxes, birds, flowers or early morning scenes of the New Forest.
As my career in Education continued to move forward, the hours in the darkroom, coupled with field trips that may, or may not have resulted in printable results became all too rare and eventually the photographic equipment was confined to the loft!
I have been able to take early retirement and this has opened up completely new opportunities in terms of photography!
I now print my photographs on the computer and am a complete convert to digital media, both in terms of the speed of acquiring images and also the quality that can be achieved.
In recent years however my photography has taken a back seat in my life again. I now no longer shoot commercially and generally my photography gear is stored away! Occasionally it makes an appearance for a specific project (Peter - Stokes Bay!) and more recently firecrests!
During the Covid crisis I have been bird watching more seriously and invested in a scope and go out once or twice a week in my local area (Warsash). As a result I have again been more interested in gaining images of birds, hence the firecrests! Over the coming winter I hope to add some more images from my past photographs hiding away on various hard drives and also to add some new birds if I can manage to carry the scope and the camera at the same time!!

However it was not until my teaching career led me to a post at a residential environmental study centre that I began to take photography seriously.
Much of my free time at the centre was spent gathering photos of the ‘resident’ badgers that scrabbled around my living quarters at night!

All forms of natural history formed my subject matter, whether it be badgers, foxes, birds, flowers or early morning scenes of the New Forest.
As my career in Education continued to move forward, the hours in the darkroom, coupled with field trips that may, or may not have resulted in printable results became all too rare and eventually the photographic equipment was confined to the loft!
I have been able to take early retirement and this has opened up completely new opportunities in terms of photography!
I now print my photographs on the computer and am a complete convert to digital media, both in terms of the speed of acquiring images and also the quality that can be achieved.
In recent years however my photography has taken a back seat in my life again. I now no longer shoot commercially and generally my photography gear is stored away! Occasionally it makes an appearance for a specific project (Peter - Stokes Bay!) and more recently firecrests!
During the Covid crisis I have been bird watching more seriously and invested in a scope and go out once or twice a week in my local area (Warsash). As a result I have again been more interested in gaining images of birds, hence the firecrests! Over the coming winter I hope to add some more images from my past photographs hiding away on various hard drives and also to add some new birds if I can manage to carry the scope and the camera at the same time!!